Hier haben wir für euch ein fertiges Handout für ein Referat im Fach Englisch. Das Thema des Referates ist: Australia - Geography
Common facts:
Area: 7,686,850 km² (smallest continent, 6th - largest state )
Population: 21,225,000
Capitol: Canberra
Currency: Australian Dollar
Elevation: 330m (average) – lowest continent
Time Zones: Eastern, Central, Western (GMT + 10/9,5/8)
The Eastern Highlands – highest elevations ( Mount Kosciuszko 2228m , dense human settlement
The Central Lowlands – multiple basins and largest river system ( Murray-Darling )
The Western Plateau – generally flat and dry, though broken by various mountain ranges
Climate zones:
Equatorial Desert/ semi-arid
Tropical Subtropical
Grassland Temperate
Droughts in Australia:
- Deforestation
- Irrigation of extremely water demanding crops
- Waste of water
- Climate change
- Worst drought since 100 years, continous since 7 years ( now slowly easing )
- Economical losses – due to crop failings and less cattle – forced farmers to sell their land
- Greatest river of Australia: Murray, nearly run dry, endangered water supply in the cities
- Increasing number and frequency of bushfires
- Soil salinity and erosion
- Water grid through pipelines, preventing evaporation on transport
- Sewage Recycling
- Desalination of sea water